Our Church Leadership

We are a growing and vibrant church because of the people who are a part of our leadership. Here are a few of the people that make our church community special:



Gary Krumdieck-Pastor

Gary is a life-long Lutheran with a career in Lutheran education.  He grew up in Eugene, Oregon.  He has been a teacher, a Director of Christian Education, and a principal in a Lutheran Church and School.  He comes to us from the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO. 




Steve Sproule-President


 Steve is the current president of our congregation.  He is a long-time member, and is involved in many different areas of the church.  He is also an elder.  He enjoys visiting many of the members and is also very active in other church activities.


Joe Aronson-Vice President

Joe is the current Vice-President of our congregation.  He and his wife are involved in various activies. 


Bonnie Wagner-Secretary

Bonnie is our current secretary.  She and her husband are active within the church in a variety of areas.  They enjoy our worship and bible study time.





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